In addition to Rasika and Gaayaka programs, four new programs Sishya ,  Novice,  Music Student's wav/mp3 player and Music Student's CD Player are now included in the package. Click on their names above to know all about them.
In addition to the Sruthi Box (which was available in version 1) you also get a Thamboora. You can play both together for a good effect.
This is a 32 bit version and you can use long file names and folder names. Standard type of Help files are available. The installation program is also simpler for the user.
What is new in Rasika
A ragam quiz is included in the Raagam module. The phrases of a randomly chosen ragam are played as depicted in the module. The student can guess the ragam and also go to the ragam page for ragalakshanam.
- In the textual discriptions of the raagams there are direct links for some phrases for generating the audio containing that phrase in the phrases window
A combined index is available for all the modules of Rasika accessible from any module. On clicking the required term you are taken to the page of the module containing the reference. Thus Rasika is made a complete book. This is in addition to the Glossary.
- In the Rasika modules, words in red can be clicked to directly show the glossary explanation for that word.
- When you go to another module from a module and come back you are taken to the page you were viewing.
- In the Sruthi Bhedam page of Melam module you can also generate the audio of the notes of the original ragam and the ragam obtained by Sruthi Bhedham.
- A separate page explaining the concept of Tonic (aadhara sruthi) and the required audio is included in the Introductory module.
- Graphic for the 'Kattai' system is added in the Introductory module.
- In the Thaalam generator visuals for the hand gestures (kriya) are shown.
What is new in Gaayaka
- There is an option to start the music from the cursor position or the start of the file or selection. Useful when composing.
- Sruthi range increased by adding lower octave of 6.5 kattai (B flat).
- Two alternatives each are given for Veena and Flute tones to suit your taste or to compensate for bass boost in some systems
- Higher volumes of thamboora sruthi are now available.
- Change the instrument from Veena to Flute or vice versa in the middle of a file.