Listen to the song (simple recording sung by Mathangi and Subramanian):
To download the song, lyric with notation (English) and lyric in Tamil and Sanskrit, right click on the links below and save the files
Varasiddhi.mp3 song .
A Carnatic Music song (Varasiddhi Vinayakam vandeham) was composed and set to music in Ragam Hindolam (in traditional carnatic style) by M.Subramanian (L-303,ATRIUM) on the occasion of Kumbhabhishekam of the Varasiddhi vinayakar temple in Kalakshethra road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai (on 5th May, 2011) and has reference to the Kumbhabhishekam, the location of the temple and the visit by Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswati of Kanchi many years ago. The song was sung as a part of 16 'upacharas' on the occasion of Kumbabhishekam.
Varasiddhi.pdf - Lyric in Tamil and Sanskrit with meaning.
Varasiddhi_Eng.doc - word file of lyric with notation.
Varasiddhi2.pdf with updated Anupallavi with general description instead of Kumbaabhishekam
(Audio yet to be uploaded)