Two thaalams MisraMisra and Khanda Chaapu do not have the laghu, dhrutham structure. They have 7 and 5 units of time but the units are so short that they can be said to have 3 and half and 2 and a half units. Misra Chaapu is divided as 1½ + 1 + 1 units. The first one and half units are marked by two quick waves or beats separated by half unit of time, then a gap of 1 unit of time is given followed by two beats of 1 unit each totaling to 3 1½ units. See a demo of Misra Chaapu.
Often while singing compositions in misra chaapu which provide for two syllables in the 1½ units of time the syllables are held for three fourths of units of time each. Many krithis in Misra Chaapu start after 1 unit from the beginning i.e. half a unit after the first 2 quick beats. Listen to the the beginning of krithi Pakkala nilabadi in Kharaharapriya by Thyaagaraaja in misra chaapu, the first line starts after 1 unit but the second line starts at the beat. The syllables 'ni' and 'la' are held for three fourths of units of time.
Khanda Chaapu is divided as 1 + 1½ units. The first 1 unit is marked by a beat and the second 1½ unit by two quick beats separated by half unit followed by one unit of time. See a demo of Khanda Chaapu and the krithi Anupama in Ataana by Thyaagaraaja. The krithi starts at the beat.