Bug in Gaayaka in RasikaV2 package and resolution

The following bug has been noticed in Gaayaka which is part of RasikaV2 package.

(A) Situation: You compose some new notation and you have not saved it.

1. If you click the menu item File > Exit you get a message box "File has changed - Do you want to save the changes" - 'Yes', 'No', 'Cancel'. (a) If you click 'Cancel' instead of returning you to the Gaayaka screen, the program closes without saving the notation. If you click 'Yes' the 'Save As' dialogue appears. If you give a valid file name and click 'save' the file is saved. (b) But if you cancel this dialogue the program closes without saving changes instead of returning to the gaayaka screen. (c) If you click 'save' without entering a proper file name (leaving ".gka" in the name box) then also the program closes without saving changes.

If however, you try to exit by clicking the 'X' mark on the top right corner then the bugs (a) and (b) above do not come and you are brought back to the original gaayaka screen without losing any data. Bug (c) - clicking without entering a file name and leaving ".gka" in the box is still seen and you will lose the data.

Immediate resoltion: Use the 'X on top right corner of the window instead of the menu File > Exit. Also make sure that you enter a valid file name before clicking 'save'.

Permanent resoluton: Download the revised gaayaka6.exe file and the existing gaayaka6.exe with the new file (see below)

(B). Situation: You have edited some file but have not saved it:

1. If you click the menu item File > Exit you get a message box "File has changed - Do you want to save the changes" - 'Yes', 'No', 'Cancel'. (a) If you click 'Cancel' the program closes without saving the changes, instead of returning you to the Gaayaka screen, . If you click 'Yes' the changes are saved. (For existing file no dialog box will appear).

This bug will not be seen if you use the 'X' box on top right corner of the window to close the program.

The other 2 bugs mentioned in A above for a new file, will not appear while editing an existing file as no dialog box is shown.

Resolution: Till you replace the exisitng file with the revised file use only the 'X' box on top right corner to close the program.

Replacing the existing file with the new gaayaka6.exe file

In addition to removing the bug above, the new file also takes care of large computer screens. When Gaayaka opens instead of showing Gaayaka window on the entire PC screen, it is shown with the size of 1024 x 760 pixels for screens of larger resolutions. For screens with less resolution the window will be maximised. In either case you maximise/restore and resize the Gaayaka window according to your requirement.

Right click here and save the file 'gaayaka6.zip'(size 76,029 bytes) in your PC prefereably in the RasikaV2 folder (noting where you have saved it. It may be automatically saved in the 'Downloads' folder - if so leave it there). Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the gaayaka6.zip file. Check to see the file is size is correct by right clicking on the file name and clicking 'Properties' in the pop up men. In Windows OS prior to WindowsME you will be using a zip program. Double clicking on the zip file will open the program and show the contents which, in this case will be the only file gaayaka6.exe. In the case of WindowsME and later the zip file itself will show as a folder and on double clicking it you will see the contents i.e. gaayaka6.exe

Once you have ensured that the zip file is correctly saved, locate the old gaayaka6.exe file in your RasikaV2 folder and rename it as gaayaka6bak.exe (In your PC the extension .exe may not be visible but the file 'Type' will be shown as 'Application'). Whether the extension is shown or not, you can rename the main part of the file by right clicking on it and selecting 'rename' in the pop up menu. After renaming the current file, in case of Windows OS prior to WindowsME, extract the revised gaayaka6.exe file from the zip program by choosing the appropriate menu. Extract this into the RasikaV2 folder when the program asks for the location to extract to. In the case of operating systems WindowsME or later, you can simply copy the file to the RasikaV2 folder either by dragging it (holding CTRL down), or right clicking on it and choosing 'Copy' in the pop up menu, navigating to RasikaV2 folder and pasting it by using the 'Edit' menu. If you have correctly renamed the old file you will not get any warning regarding overwriting the existing file. If you get a warning regarding overwriting the existing file, choose 'cancel' and rename the existing file and procede as before. The new file gaayaka6.exe has a size of 262,656 bytes and this could be checked to ensure that the file was correctly downloaded and extracted.

Now run Gaayaka program either from the Desktop Icons or from the Programs>RasikaV2 shortcuts. Check that the program functions properly. If there is any problem you can delete the new file and restore the old file by renaming it back as gaayaka6.exe. Please report any problems to manianms@yahoo.com

In addition to the gaayaka6.exe file, if you are using RasikaV2 package with serial numers starting with RGS20:F0 (prior to October, 2007) you will also have to download the revised help file gaayaka6.chm which is the one that will be called when you click the Help menu in Gaayaka. Right click here and save the zipped file in your RasikaV2 folder (file size 179,677) and extract the gaayaka6.chm file into the same folder. You can still use the old file gaayaka6.hlp by double clicking on it in the RasikaV2 folder. Users with serial number starting with RGS201:F or RGS202:F do not have to download gaayaka6.chm as it is already included in the package.