Help for HTML Gaayaka -Carnatic Notation Player

[You can first try the examples to see the notation format. Click 'Examples' pull down menu and choose 'Sarali Plain' or 'Sarali Gamakam' and then click 'Play']

This new version allows entry of notation in upper and lower cases, upper case representing a double duration note. See para 3 below. It also has provsion for generating Thaalam sounds

Bare notation as in books cannot fully depict carnatic music. Detailed notation depicting nuances is required. Some samples are put up in 'Examples' menu which can help understand how Gamakam is added. A more elaborate file explaining Gamakam will be added soon. Still under Development. There could be bugs-please report to manianms at

Javascript based Carnatic music notation player. Copyright M.Subramanian - This is a modified HTML version of the notation player which is part of Rasika software (for Windows). Contact manianms at